The Sealy Area Historical Society is obtaining information about all homes in Sealy over 50 years old. Please complete the requested information to the best of your knowledge. We understand that most people do not have all of the information requested. Each respondent will enter information about ownership and residence. You may complete the form even if never an owner of resident of the house. 

We will include the historical information in tour brochures and on our website. Early photos of your home and previous owners are greatly appreciated. All photos should be scanned at a high resolution and sent by email to or copied at a high resolution and mailed to SAHS, P O Box 585, Sealy, TX 77474. Thank you for your participation.

Sealy Historic Homes Survey Form

1. Name of person completing survey: 

2. Please check one: 

3. Where did you obtain your information (from stories passed down, research, family Bible, newspaper, etc.

4. Current Owners Names: 

5. Year of Current Owners Purchase of house: 

6. Physical Address of house:

7. Your email address: 

Email addresses will not be published and will only be used to communicate about history of the house.

8. Year built:  

9. Name of builder and/or architect: 

10. Names of original owners:

11. Dates of ownership of original owners:

12. Names of later owners and dates of ownership: 

13. Information about original and early owners, including: occupation and significant contributions to Sealy:

14. Known additions or significant changes to the exterior of the house:

15. Uses of the home when not a single-family residence: (include approximate dates if known) 

16. Any other history of home or owners:

If you have questions or need information please contact us at


You may also also complete and print the survey form by clicking "Fillable Historic Homes Survey Form" below. Please mail to Sealy Area Historical Society, P. O. Box 585, Sealy, TX 77474.
Previous Owner
Current Resident
Previous Resident